The Relationship Co. Complaints About Women’s Etiquette

You only get one chance to make a first impression. The first impression you make on your first date will determine whether there will be second or third date. The Relationship Company Complaints wants to help you avoid the most common mistakes a woman can make and make your first date the success it was meant to be.

Look your Best

This is a date, a first date! You are not going to the gym or on a run so do not show up in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Always dress to impress. The Relationship Company Complaints has heard on many occasions that men thought the woman was just not serious about meeting them based on the way she was dressed or her general appearance.  You want to make sure he knows you are interested, so dress the part!

Never Be Late

It may appear cool to leave a man waiting in the movies, but this is real life. Be on time! If he is coming to pick you up ne ready when he arrives, if you are meeting him arrive on time. The Relationship Company Complaints warns that arriving late shows respect and consideration for the other person right from the beginning. If you are running late for a legitimate reason, call to let them know you will be late. It is important to start off on the right foot so be on time!

No Cell Phone!

Talking on your cell phone or texting during any date is rude especially on a first date. You do not want to appear uninterested or distracted so The Relationship Company Complaints suggests turning your phone off. There will be time later to return calls and texts. Spend this important time getting to know your date.

Leave the Past in the Past

Talking about past relationships is a top concern voiced by men to The Relationship Company Complaints. You should be focused on the person you are with not the past. Do not bring up past relationships and men. You do not want to compare and bring a negative vibe to your date. Keep the conversation positive and light. You are here to get to know this man, so do it!

Focus On Him

Men report over and over to The Relationship Company Complaints that women only talk about themselves. Avoid this very common mistake! You are on this date to find out more about him, not give a day by day account of your life. Ask questions about him and start a dialog where you can both share your interests. This will show him that you are considerate and truly interested in getting to know him. It will give you both a chance to determine compatibility for future dates.

Drink in Moderation

Nerves on a first date are normal and understandable but drinking too much will not help the situation at all. The Relationship Company Complaints warns that getting drunk on a first date shows a lack of respect for your date and you are more likely to embarrass yourself and your date in the process. Definitely not the impression you want to make a man you are interested in dating. Limit yourself to one or two drinks. The nerves will decrease and you will be clear headed to get to know your date.

First dates should be fun and exciting. You are starting on a new adventure. Make the most of it. Avoid making the most common mistakes, have a great time getting to know a great guy and you will both have an awesome evening!





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