Author Archives: therelationshipcompanyreviews

The Relationship CO. Scams Warns Ladies Beware of Scams

Sadly scams are a part of our everyday lives. The saddest part is that the elderly are quickly becoming a major target of these scam artists. The Relationship Company Scams says that the internet gives con artists an ideal place to hide their real intentions and they are using dating sites as the opportune way to meet unsuspecting victims that are only looking for love.

Now do not be completely discouraged. The Relationship Company Scams lets you know that most of the members of both paid and free dating sites truly are looking for a sincere match but are those people whose intentions are less than honorable and there are definite signs for you to look out for while on your journey to find your special someone. These rules can also be used for anyone of any age but especially seniors looking for love.

Senior man giving woman piggyback ride

Moving Too Fast

If someone is interested too quickly in getting to know you outside the safety of your computer, a red flag should go up. It is flattering when someone wants to meet you in person but be very careful and make sure that you feel comfortable with meeting this person. Let your relationship take a natural and casual course and make sure that you are completely comfortable with meeting. The Relationship Company Scams suggests no less than a month of online talking before even talking on the phone and then that is only if you feel it is the right time. Remember the more information you give out the more information this person will have about you. Your phone will lead directly to your address, make sure you are ready for that step.

Meeting in Public

When you decide the time is right to meet in person make sure you do it a public place and that a friend or a family knows where you are or even goes with you. Make sure they know the person’s name and phone number and when you are to be home. Do not ever let anyone isolate you from you family or friends. The Relationship Company Scams points out that if someone wants to be an important part of your life, they will want to meet the people that are important to you and will want to share in the things that are important to you. Any attempt to pull you away from these people should send up a big red flag. Make sure that you also tell the person you are talking to that you have shared information about them with your family and friends. Blame it on an over protective friend or family member if you are not comfortable telling them about it. If your date has a problem with this and gets angry, it is another big red flag that something is not right and their intentions may not be legitimate. If this type of behavior continues, then move on. The Relationship Company Scams wants to ensure you that there are plenty of other people out there that have good intentions and will be honest with you.

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Personal Information

There are certain personal details like your name or your hair color or the school you graduated from that you will share and want the person you are getting to know to share as well but if anyone wants you to give them information concerning your finances, your banking information, the value of your home or your stock portfolio you should see red flags everywhere. And DO NOT EVER give this person money if it is asked for no matter what sob story he gives you. Scam artists have perfected appearing like really nice honest people and they can be very convincing with their story of the emergency that has just pooped into their life. The Relationship Company Scams suggests politely getting out of the conversation and ending communication with this person.

As bad as all of this sounds The Relationship Company Scams says, do not get discouraged, the majority of the people you will interact with are there for the same reason you are and have no intention of running a scam on you or anyone. Keep looking, love is there, you just have to find it!


The Relationship Co. Complaints About Women’s Etiquette

You only get one chance to make a first impression. The first impression you make on your first date will determine whether there will be second or third date. The Relationship Company Complaints wants to help you avoid the most common mistakes a woman can make and make your first date the success it was meant to be.

Look your Best

This is a date, a first date! You are not going to the gym or on a run so do not show up in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Always dress to impress. The Relationship Company Complaints has heard on many occasions that men thought the woman was just not serious about meeting them based on the way she was dressed or her general appearance.  You want to make sure he knows you are interested, so dress the part!

Never Be Late

It may appear cool to leave a man waiting in the movies, but this is real life. Be on time! If he is coming to pick you up ne ready when he arrives, if you are meeting him arrive on time. The Relationship Company Complaints warns that arriving late shows respect and consideration for the other person right from the beginning. If you are running late for a legitimate reason, call to let them know you will be late. It is important to start off on the right foot so be on time!

No Cell Phone!

Talking on your cell phone or texting during any date is rude especially on a first date. You do not want to appear uninterested or distracted so The Relationship Company Complaints suggests turning your phone off. There will be time later to return calls and texts. Spend this important time getting to know your date.

Leave the Past in the Past

Talking about past relationships is a top concern voiced by men to The Relationship Company Complaints. You should be focused on the person you are with not the past. Do not bring up past relationships and men. You do not want to compare and bring a negative vibe to your date. Keep the conversation positive and light. You are here to get to know this man, so do it!

Focus On Him

Men report over and over to The Relationship Company Complaints that women only talk about themselves. Avoid this very common mistake! You are on this date to find out more about him, not give a day by day account of your life. Ask questions about him and start a dialog where you can both share your interests. This will show him that you are considerate and truly interested in getting to know him. It will give you both a chance to determine compatibility for future dates.

Drink in Moderation

Nerves on a first date are normal and understandable but drinking too much will not help the situation at all. The Relationship Company Complaints warns that getting drunk on a first date shows a lack of respect for your date and you are more likely to embarrass yourself and your date in the process. Definitely not the impression you want to make a man you are interested in dating. Limit yourself to one or two drinks. The nerves will decrease and you will be clear headed to get to know your date.

First dates should be fun and exciting. You are starting on a new adventure. Make the most of it. Avoid making the most common mistakes, have a great time getting to know a great guy and you will both have an awesome evening!





The Relationship Co. Scams Reviews Sweetheart Scams

Dating in your elderly years can be scary enough without having to worry about the intentions of your perspective partners. Some younger partners are looking at seniors as easy pickings. The younger person ingratiates themselves to the elderly person, wins their affections and then worms their way into the elderly person’s finances. The Relationship Company Scams wants to make sure you do not fall prey to a “Sweetheart Scam” and get left holding an empty purse and a broken heart. Below are listed some telltale signs to avoid and to protect yourself from any undue psychological, emotional or financial losses.


Isolating You From Your Family and Friends

Meeting someone new and beginning a new relationship can be exciting. You feel as though you want to spend all your time with the new person in your life to the exclusion of everything else. The Relationship Company Scams wants to remind you to always exercise moderation. Be sure to continue to do the things that have become important to you over the years. Include the new person in your life in your activities and introduce them to your friends and family. If they resist, be aware! If the new person in your life will not go out in public with you and will not meet your friends and family something is wrong. Do not allow yourself to be removed from society and isolated. After several attempts to include your new significant other to no avail, it may be time to look elsewhere for companionship.

Moving Too Quickly Towards Commitment

It is very flattering when someone younger wants to spend time with you and when they are ready to make a commitment it can be overwhelming. Tread very carefully and do not rush into anything. Make sure you are comfortable with the relationship. The Relationship Company Scams knows that you may feel like there is no time to waste but always err on the side of caution. You have to make sure you protect yourself. There are things like your home and your finances that you worked your life to amass, do not leave yourself open to deception and loss. It is always good advice to keep your finances separate at this stage of your life and if your partner does not understand that then they are not the person for you.

Have All Investments Approved by An Attorney

You always want to trust the person you have found companionship with however if presented with an investment opportunity The Relationship Company Scams suggests seeking legal advice from an attorney. If your partner has a problem with that then this is definitely not something you want to go through with and you should definitely look farther into their true intentions. You are looking for a true partnership and that does not include being manipulated or coerced into giving up your financial security to make someone else happy. If the person truly cares about you then they will care about YOU and not the money.

Finding companionship in your senior years can be just as exciting as it ever was. Take your time and make sure the person you enjoy spending time with enjoys spending time with you. You deserve to be happy and loved. The Relationship Company Scams want you to live out the rest of your many years happy, healthy and in love. Be careful and protect yourself and the rest will fall into place!


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The Relationship Company Complaints Fields Complaints Concerning Men’s First Date Etiquette

You have crossed the first hurdle and asked the pretty woman out on a date. Now you need to impress her and The Relationship Company Complaints wants you to avoid bad etiquette while on this all important first date. Bypass these common mistakes to make a positive impression on this very important first date.

Arrive on Time

Seems like a no-brainer but The Relationship Company Complaints hears over and over that woman are left waiting for their date to show up. Being late gives the impression that your time is more important than hers and that you are inconsiderate. This definitely not the first impression you want your date to have of you. If you have to be late for any reason, call her. Start off on the right foot, it will make all the difference in the success of your first date!

Dress To Impress

This may seem silly to mention but The Relationship Company Complaints notes that a clean, well groomed appearance is on the top of the lists of things a woman looks for in a man. A woman does not want to have a discussion or share a meal with a man that is disheveled with body odor or bad breath. Look your best and you will give your date a great first impression.

Senior man giving woman piggyback ride

Get to Know Her

 Another big mistake The Relationship Company Complaints hears repeatedly is that men tend to monopolize the conversation. Be very careful of making this common mistake. You were attracted to this woman, wanted to find out more about her so you asked her out on a date, now get to know her! If you do all the talking she will find you egotistical and self-centered. Show her that you are interested in getting to know her by engaging her in the conversation and asking her questions about her. This will help you both see how well matched you are!

Honestly Compliment Her

Women love to be noticed and what better way to show her you notice her than to give her a compliment. The Relationship Company Complaints reports most women do not know what men find attractive about them because they have never been told. So tell them! You want her to be at ease and know that you find her attractive so tell her that you appreciate her appearance and the extra effort she has put forth.

Chivalry is not Dead!

Open car doors, hold out her chair, help her with her coat and say please and thank you, it will go a long way to making a great first impression on a woman. Not only does a woman consider how you treat her but also how you treat others so always use your best manners. Remember it is the little things that go along a way to assuring her that you are a kind and considerate person that is respectful at all times. Also The Relationship Company Complaints notes that although society deems women equal to men it is still widely recognized for the man to pay the tab for the first date. Remember you want her to see the gentleman you truly are, so do your best and your first date will be great!



The Relationship Company Reviews Building A Strong Relationship

An absolutely perfect relationship with no bumps in the road is a fairy tale. There is not a relationship out there that could not use a little improvement one way or another, some more than others. Here are some proven methods from The Relationship Company Reviews to strengthen any relationship no matter if you have been together a few months or many years.

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Alone Time

In order to have a strong relationship you have to take time out and spend it together, alone. No matter how busy your schedule is you have to spend time alone on a regular basis. The Relationship Company reviews spending time alone keeps the lines of communication open and strong. It gives you a time relax and enjoy each other’s company and keep romance the important part of the relationship it should be. It will also help you remember all the things that made you want to be with this person in the first place.

Get Away Together

Spending the day in bed together or going out to dinner alone is nice but it is not enough. Sometimes you just need time away, a break from the day to day grind. Booking a getaway to a romantic bed and breakfast or a trip to a hotel by the ocean can provide a great way for you to catch up with each other. The Relationship Company Reviews also says never discount time in the mountains or whatever you both like to do to get away and spend quality time together.

Surprise Each Other

Think back to the time you first starting dating. Remember how you both went out of your way to surprise each other. Sometimes it was a flower on the table or a card in her lunch bag, even a surprise date night. Whatever it was you tried to surprise each other and make special memories. The Relationship Company reviews how important it is to keep those special surprises alive. The best part is they don’t have to be elaborate or expensive. It can be as simple as an “I love you” text or a little love letter. These little tokens of affection are great because they are free, they show you thought about what you wanted to say and you are expressing your feelings in your own words. No one expects you to be Shakespeare or a Bronte sister, small gestures that come from the heart mean so much more to your partner.


Make Your Partner Your Top Priority

Making your partner your top priority is absolutely necessary in any relationship. After you have been together for a long time it is very easy to take each other for granted but you have to make it very important that you show your partner how much they mean to you. Remember all the reason you chose this person and how special they are. The Relationship Company reviews you have to remember what your partner is going through, ask them about their day, their work, and their hobbies. Make sure that you are always respectful and give your partner the compliments they deserve for all their hard work. Showing your partner that you recognize what they do every day and how much you appreciate them is the best way to make sure they know how much you love them and that they are your priority.

Do Not Be Overly Critical

We all have habits that others might find irritating and after you have spent any amount of time with someone with irritating habits it is hard to keep quiet about them. Sometimes you didn’t notice these habits until you spend an extended period of time with them. It is very important that you try to ignore these insignificant annoying tendencies. The Relationship Company Reviews wants you to remember no one likes to be criticized, especially over something that is unimportant. But if it is making you crazy and is important to you, then you should approach the subject cautiously. Bring up the topic tactfully but do not argue over little things like not taking out the garbage or forgetting to pick up the dirty clothes. Think long term and make your relationship better not worse.

Passion Is Important

You have to show your partner that you still find them attractive and sexy. Not only will it make them feel good about themselves and give their confidence a boost, it can make your alone time much more exciting and satisfying. The Relationship Company reviews how important it is to touch each other often, hug, kiss, hold hands, try a massage after work to show your partner how exciting you still find them.

Look Your Best

You want to be comfortable in your relationship but sometimes that leads to letting your appearance go. It is easy to fall into a rut and let yourself go. Life gets too busy and you are comfortable so you pay less attention to your figure, your hair, your nails and your wardrobe. The Relationship Company reviews how important it is to look your best for your partner. You always feel better when you take pride in your appearance and this is no different. Of course you do not have to wear formal attire but your “daily uniform” should not be sweat pants and an old t-shirt. Fix your hair, put on a little make up or cologne and a nice outfit and you will be surprised how special your efforts make your partner feel.

The Relationship Company Reviews wants your relationship to be as strong and as exciting now as it was in the beginning and to last many years so use these tips and live happily ever after.







The Relationship Company Scams Looks at the Facebook Dating Scam

Facebook has become one of the biggest social media sites and everyone is using it today. Most people use Facebook as a way to talk to friends or family or as a way to promote their business, their organization or any number of things. As with anything good, someone has to ruin it and the latest Facebook scam is not different. The Relationship Company Scams warns that this scam involves chatting and dating and ends with someone at a loss financially.

How It Starts

OK so you are a single person looking for love and you decide to take a risk and join the dating scene on Facebook. After looking into all avenues available you soon find someone to chat with. It is amazing how much you have in common with this person and soon things are moving along just as you had dreamed. You really like this person and they say they really like you too. Things continue to go along famously and then one day they tell you that they have had an emergency. They have lost their job or their car was stolen or some other devastating loss. In some cases they come right out and ask you for money but the really coy con artists will plead the case so well that you actually offer to help them out. After all you care about this person and do not want to see them suffering through this hardship if you can help. The Relationship Company Scams warns never to offer money to anyone you meet on the internet even if you have extra and really want to help. These people are con artists and all they want to do it scam as many people as they can out of their hard-earned money.

Where It All Falls Apart

As soon as you offer them the money, they give you an address to send them the money. In most case they will give you a post office box or even a Pay Pal account, not their home address. They really seem to need the money and you care so deeply for this person you send them the money. The Relationship Company Scams wants you to know that at first they are very grateful for the money. They will even send more time chatting with you for a while however you begin to hear from them less and less. You will make all kinds of excuses to yourself and then they will simply disappear. Then to make things worse their Facebook account is gone and so are all the other ways you had to communicate with this person. The other shoe has fallen and now you are left broken hearted and with your wallet lighter.

Pay Attention to the Warning Signs

How can you avoid this happening to you? First of all, not everyone you talk to is a con artist set on scamming you but you still have to be careful. When you are chatting with someone, if the conversation turns to any topic you are not comfortable with, too and including money, either tell the person you are uncomfortable or change the subject. If that doesn’t work, stop talking to them. If they do not respect your boundaries why would you want to have anything else to do with this person. The Relationship Company Scams knows that you care for this person and have spent time getting to know them but you have to protect yourself. There is someone else out there that will respect you and is worth spending your time talking to. Lastly, if anyone asks you for money after only speaking to you on the internet red flags should go up that this person has some ulterior motive for talking to you. End communication and block this person from being able to contact you in the future. Protect yourself and your search for a significant other will bring you all the happiness you deserve.





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The Relationship Co. Reviews The Benefits Of Hiring A Matchmaker


The Relationship Co. reviews how over the last few years it seems that more and more singles are seeking the help of a matchmaker when it comes to finding someone to spend their lives with.  But, despite the recent popularity, there are still many singles out there who are unsure of what a matchmaker can do for them.


In this article, The Relationship Co. reviews the benefits of hiring a matchmaker to help you find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with.

 Senior man giving woman piggyback ride


A Personal Meeting

One of the top benefits of using a matchmaker is that you will get a one on one personal meeting with a matchmaker who will get to know you and all of your dating needs.  The Relationship Co. reviews how this meeting is very important because this is how the matchmaker will get to know you personally to help them in their search to find you a compatible match.


Screening Services

The Relationship Co. reviews that another major benefit of hiring a matchmaker is the element of safety that will now come along with dating.  A matchmaking company will run a screening and background check on all of its members to ensure everyone’s safety.  This is a really wonderful benefit for members, especially for women.


Serious Singles

One of the benefits of using a matchmaker that is often overlooked is the fact that you will only encounter other singles who are also serious about dating, singles who are also sick of the dating games experienced in the difficult world dating world alone.  You will only meet other singles who are serious about starting a long-lasting relationship with someone.


Saving A Lot Of Time

The Relationship Co. reviews that when you hire a matchmaker, they’ll be saving you a lot of time.  This time that you used to spend searching for other singles on your own, can now be used more productively on yourself, or with friends and family.  The matchmaker will be the one in charge of finding you someone compatible, someone who fits your criteria and needs in a partner.  The only thing you have to do now is show up for your dates and enjoy them.


When you hire a matchmaker, you need to make sure they have a reputable business and have been in business for a long time.  You want someone with experience and good results such as The Relationship Co. –You want a matchmaker with recommendations and achievements like The Relationship Co. has received over the years.

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This is a good example of what a reputable and great matchmaker’s reviews and recognitions should consist of:


            “for the third consecutive year The Relationship Co. has been selected for the
2012 Best of New England Awards in the Dating Service category by the US
Commerce Association.

Nationwide, only 1 in 120 (less than 1%) 2012 Award recipients qualified as
Three Time Award Winners. I’m sure that your selection as a 2012 Award Winner
is a reflection of the hard work of not only yourself, but of many people that
have supported your business and contributed to the subsequent success of your
organization. Congratulations on your selection to such an elite group of
small businesses.”